Freedom Flotilla: A Turning Point on a Long Path

الجمعة، ١٩ مارس ٢٠١٠

To A message of Support

Asalaam Alaikum,

I hope this email finds you all well and in good spirits despite the difficult situation you are in at present. I have been reading with dismay about the recent events taking place with regards to IslamOnline.

Let me begin by saying that I have found your website one of the most professional and informative sources for information on the Muslim world for close to a decade. Although there are many points that I think can be improved or changed - the few perceived deficiencies does not in anyway detract from the absolute majority of good work that you all do.

And therein lies the problem. Far too often in the Muslim world, there is a struggle for total control between the few Muslims who care about Islam as a way of life and those who see it as a bunch of rituals. As one scholar said, it is unacceptable for us to be arguing about the type of Islam we lead when Islam itself is in danger.

I pray that that InshaAllah there will be a good conclusion to this situation where your work and contribution can be recognised and appreciated and respected and Islamonline can go back to doing what it does best. Ameen.

Dr. Mohammed Wajid Akhter

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